March 27, 2012

Yesterday morning when going to work I stopped at this sight and waited a few minutes for the sunrise.

Cranes Vega-12b

On the camera sat a Vega-12b 2.8/90 that I got for free by a nice Russian fellow since the aperture had stuck wide open. I succeeded to mend it to some degree without having to perform deep lens surgery to clean the blades from oil. Now it is working but tends to stick if it is left wide open for some time.

Lens nerd facts:
The mechanism of this lens can always open the iris by turning the aperture ring. So a good recommendation is to store the lens stopped down since most Vega-12b lenses will develop sticky aperture sooner or later due to internal grease migration.
Normally they can be had for less than 30 Euro on the Bay.
The lens is actually a medium format lens for the Kiev-60 cameras that has the same mount as Pentacon six. This mount is easily adapted for any modern SLR or DSLR since the register distance (distance between film plane and lens mount) is longer on a medium format camera. Thus the ability to focus to infinity shall be kept if the adapter has the right thickness. for more information regarding Pentacon Six and Kiev-60 have a look at

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